Our Mission

Our mission is to help lessen the everyday burdens of our homeschool families, while supporting them spiritually, through the intercession of St. Therese and her example of unconditional charity and self-denial. Our motto: "Helping people in a little way"

Monday, November 24, 2008

October Meeting Minutes

Here are the minutes from the October meeting.

St. Therese Missionaries
Meeting Minutes
October (?)# 2008

Start time: 12:15pm

Opening Prayer: Morning prayer by St. Therese


* Prayer leaders needed. Responsibility: Finding prayers for the meetings.
* Elections: These will be held at the November meeting.
* Meeting Times: These are to be second Fridays form 3:00 – 4:30
* Meeting Place: This is to be either the New Berlin Library, the Schoenstatt Center, or the Pewaukee Library depending on which is available.
* A. S. is to invite the Missionaries to the Blog.
* All Saints Day
a) Date: Wednesday October (?)#
b) New Games: These will be constructed at the October meeting.
c) Sign up: This needs to streamlined.T-shirts: All who want t-shirts need to e-mail?
* Satellite Groups: Idea of Satellite groups proposed. Purpose: They would be for anyone who wanted to join the group, but were to far from Schoenstatt.
* November Bread Sale: Projected date is Nov. 16 (Covenant Sunday).
* Scapular making: If you are interested call Mrs. T
* Dance: For high school students and eighth grade graduates. Possibly put on by both the Missionaries and the Dance Club.
* Joan of Arc play: August 2009. ( open to everyone to perform ?)
* Stations: March… Palm Sunday?
* Hike at Devils Lake: Possible field trip.
* New Years [eve?] Party: For Alumni.

End time: 1:42pm

Respectfully submitted,

P. F.

#Cannot remember date.